Harmony training
To learn harmony, you can attend face-to-face classes or online classes. For face-to-face classes, which are an older way of conducting training courses, you should look for a reputable educational institution or music academy near your place. The venue of these classes must be close to where you live, otherwise, the travel expenses or the time required for it will be added, which can be problematic for the continuation of the class. Unfortunately, the problem with face-to-face classes is that harmony classes are rare classes that may not be found in some small towns, and as a result, you may be denied training or have to travel long distances. You may also not be able to find the right professor because you don't have a wide selection. Participating in face-to-face classes requires an open schedule with a lot of free time, which many of us may not be able to attend. Also, most of them are held in public and if you want to participate in private classes, you will have to pay more. But there is a more effective way to teach this complex subject.
Music in Montreal
If you are interested in European art and culture and want to move away from more commercial forms of music, Montreal is one of Canada's top music cities to do so. With a range of events and opportunities, including the City Jazz FestivalMontreal has long been a music hub on the east coast of Canada. While other cities may be way better in music, Montreal is still one of Canada's leading centers of classical music.
Montreal's most famous musicians and singers include Paul Bailey, Howard Billerman, Sean Drewer, Roger Duct, Backwash, Bad New Brun, Berries, etc., and some of Montreal's most famous music venues include Lassala Rosa, Metlos, Bar. Le Ritz PDB and Rialto Theater. The biggest music festivals of this city are Montreal International Jazz Festival, Oshega, Iglofest, Francofoli.