The music revolves around harmony. Harmony along with rhythm and melody make up music. In order to understand music better, you need to understand harmony. Harmony is what makes a piece challenging and complex. If you are going to study music, you need to understand harmony. Although various books have been written in this field, we have more effective and dynamic ways to learn this branch of music, which we will explain more about later.
Music in Dortmund
The city of Dortmund also has a very long history in terms of music. The Dortmund Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is a German-based symphony orchestra performing at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. Founded in 1887, the orchestra was formed by leaders such as Wilhelm Shuster, Mark Janowski, Moshe Atzmon, and Jacques van Stein. In addition, there are many bands and singers in the city, including Elga Andersen, Ralf Bendix, Theo Bleckmann, Phillip Boa, and Phillip Boa, and the Voodooclub.