Why is Konkur music important?
Some people think that because the music coefficient is low in most subgroups, it does not matter. In the past years, many candidates have even had a negative percentage in their results. Therefore, if you focus more on this lesson, your rank will change to a great extent, considering the low average among other candidates. On the other hand, it is difficult to study for this part because the exam resources are announced every year by the assessment organization and because there are not enough resources in the theory parts of this course, you may have to refer to the aid books for a more detailed study. But you don't know what the right book is and you will waste your time on the wrong books. We have a reliable method that you can have a correct and targeted study.
Music in Dortmund
The city of Dortmund also has a very long history in terms of music. The Dortmund Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is a German-based symphony orchestra performing at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. Founded in 1887, the orchestra was formed by leaders such as Wilhelm Shuster, Mark Janowski, Moshe Atzmon, and Jacques van Stein. In addition, there are many bands and singers in the city, including Elga Andersen, Ralf Bendix, Theo Bleckmann, Phillip Boa, and Phillip Boa, and the Voodooclub.