Online Persian Avaz Course in ottawa

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Milad Jafarnezhad

Milad Jafarnezhad - Persian Avaz course

tuition: 500,000 toman
Mehran Ghasemi

Mehran Ghasemi - Persian Avaz course

tuition: 500,000 toman
Arshameh Tafteh

Arshameh Tafteh - Persian Avaz course

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Persian Avaz ottawa


There are basically two methods to learn solfeggio:
• A certain method in which each note is assigned a special syllable (such as do, re, mi).
• The transferable method where the syllables are assigned to different notes based on the musical content.
Learning solfeggio step by step
The following will guide you with a general direction to start learning solfege:
• Learn the basics of music theory:
Scales: Get to know the concept of scales (octaves), order of scales and different types of octaves (major, minor, etc.).
Notes: Learn the name and position of the notes on note staff.
Chords: Learn basic chords and their structure
Rhythm: Learn the basic concepts of rhythm, such as beat, dimension, and time value of notes.
• Do singing exercises:
Vocalizing exercises: Practice to warm up your voice and improve your vocal techniques.
Hearing exercises: Practice distinguishing between notes, intervals, and chords.
Sol-fa exercises: Read the notes from note staff and play them.

Music in Ottawa

Ottawa is a rare gem in the history of Canadian music and a very rich and healthy music scene that deserves attention. Like Montreal, Ottawa has a wide range of different musical activities that come from different cultures. This city has a worthy place among the biggest music scenes in Canada. The most famous musicians and singers of this city are Jeremy Gara, Paul Anka, Richard Reed Parry, Alanis Morris, Drew Nelson, Louis Rennie, Bruce Cockburn, and ... There are many music festivals in Ottawa that attract many people each year, and the most important of them are the France-Antarne Festival, Glover, TD Ottawa Jazz Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Tim Hortons Ottawa, Bud Music Festival Light Escapade. A city with a strong history in music like Ottawa should also have many music halls, some of the most important of which are: Mercury Hall, Barrymore Music Hall, Erin Pub Restaurant, New Bio Targ House, Greenfields Gastro House, etc.

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