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There are basically two methods to learn solfeggio:
• A certain method in which each note is assigned a special syllable (such as do, re, mi).
• The transferable method where the syllables are assigned to different notes based on the musical content.
Learning solfeggio step by step
The following will guide you with a general direction to start learning solfege:
• Learn the basics of music theory:
Scales: Get to know the concept of scales (octaves), order of scales and different types of octaves (major, minor, etc.).
Notes: Learn the name and position of the notes on note staff.
Chords: Learn basic chords and their structure
Rhythm: Learn the basic concepts of rhythm, such as beat, dimension, and time value of notes.
• Do singing exercises:
Vocalizing exercises: Practice to warm up your voice and improve your vocal techniques.
Hearing exercises: Practice distinguishing between notes, intervals, and chords.
Sol-fa exercises: Read the notes from note staff and play them.