Online Tanbur Course in hamilton

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Babak Khademloo

Babak Khademloo - Tanbur course

tuition: 500,000 toman
Yashar Behnoud

Yashar Behnoud - Tanbur course

tuition: 80,000 toman
Farzad BasatPour

Farzad BasatPour - Tanbur course

tuition: 300,000 toman

Tanbur hamilton


Selecting the persian tanbur class

If you like the sound of the tanbur and you are looking for a class to learn it, you have two options: face-to-face classes and online classes. Tanbur classes are probably the first option that comes to mind. But are they also the best option? Face to face tanbur classes are problematic in the following ways: 1. You need to consider their location and distance from where you live. Because you have to commute to and from class, there must be a reasonable distance between them. 2. Face-to-face classes are held at specific times of the day and night, and if you are employed or a student, they may interfere with your class or work time. 3. Attendance classes will ultimately cost you more because you have to add travel expenses. This transfer will take more time too. 4. In face-to-face classes, the possibility of choosing a teacher is rare.

Learning music in Hamilton

Hamilton has been a vibrant music scene. The city's music industry has 7,725 workers and 541 businesses, making it the sixth-largest branch of the music business in Canada. Hamilton has more independent musicians per capita than many top cities around the world and is a top music destination in Canada. It is one of the first cities in Canada to develop a music strategy. Hamilton's most famous musicians include Terra Lightfoot, Nicole Appleton, Daniel Lanois, Julia Feeder, Heiden Niall, and Gord Lewis. Friends Music Festival, Supercrawl Festival, Brott Music Festival, and Parachute Music Festival are some of the music festivals in this city. Ontario's first concert hall, Music Hall and Core Entertainment are also some of the city's most famous music years.

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