But online classes have completely solved these problems.
Why online tanbur classes are a better option? Teaching beginner and advanced tanbur online is far better than face to face classes: 1- In the first place, you can easily coordinate them with your free time. 2- You do not need to move and travel, and this means you save money and time. 3- You can participate in these classes from any situation and city. Apart from that, the way online classes are held is no different from face-to-face classes. For example, you can still communicate with the coach, ask him questions, and he will take your problems. Also, the lessons offered in these courses are no different from face-to-face ones. In fact, online tanbur training classes can be just as effective as face-to-face classes, provided you choose the right school for the job.
Music education in Edinburgh
Edinburgh has been at the forefront of Scottish classical, folk, pop, and punk scenes for many years. It is home to Scotland's oldest concert venue, St. Cecilia Hall which took classical music out of private venues and opened it to the public in the late 18th century. The Ceilidh Folk Festival, held in 1951 at the Oddfellows Hall (now McSurrells), is recognized as an event that has begun to revive English traditional music. Edinburgh's most important musicians include Davey John Stone, Shirley Manson, Paddy Milner, Vistas, Steve Manson, Unicorn Kid, and more. The Edinburgh International Music Festival is also held annually in this city, which is one of the most important music festivals in the United Kingdom.