Online Tanbur Course in boston

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Babak Khademloo

Babak Khademloo - Tanbur course

tuition: 500,000 toman
Yashar Behnoud

Yashar Behnoud - Tanbur course

tuition: 80,000 toman
Farzad BasatPour

Farzad BasatPour - Tanbur course

tuition: 300,000 toman

Tanbur boston

Teaching tanbur in a new and enjoyable way with Inavaz online classes


Play the tanbur

There are many traditional instruments in Iran that have many fans not only in our country but all over the world. One of these popular instruments is the tanbur. A spiritual and mystical instrument that dates back to 2000 BC! It is the oldest wound stringed instrument in the world and has been mentioned in many historical books and articles. If you are interested in this good sounding instrument and want to learn more about it and tanbur training classes, stay tuned for the rest of this article.

Introducing the tanbur instrument

The persian tanbur is a wound string instrument that consists of three general parts: the handle, the resonant bowl, and the strings. The handle of the tanbur is very tall (about 70 to 80 cm) and its resonant bowl is made of several pieces. How many strings does the tanbur instrument have? In the past, tanbur had two strings, but today this number has increased to three. There are two main tunes for the tanbur: the seven-handed tuning and the five-handed persian tanbur tuning. Unlike many stringed instruments, tanbur is played without artificial percussion and with four fingers. The album Sedaye Sokhane Eshgh by Shahram Nazeri is the first album to officially introduce this instrument. Famous persian tanbur players include tanbur master Sohrab Pournazeri, Assadollah Farmani, Seyyed Ali Jaberi, Amir Hayati, Seyyed Arash Shahriari, etc.

Music in Boston

The city of Boston is a large part of the current music scene in the US state of Massachusetts, which includes several genres of rock as well as classical, folk, and hip hop music. Perhaps the most influential early US composer is Lowell Mason. Mason was a native of Boston who fought against the use of punctuation and note teaching in a standard way at the time. Mason led American music to its modern European model. In addition to Mason, musicians such as Arzmwit, James Taylor, Donna Summer, the Deckers, J. Gill / Peter Wolf, John Baines, the New Edition, etc. also belong to Boston. The Blues House, Symphony Hall, Governor, Paradise Rock Club, Passim Club, Brighton Music Hall, Sinclair, etc. are some of the most famous music halls in Boston. Boston Calling Festivals, Summer Camp Aid, Cambridge Dance Party, Green River, etc. are the most important Boston Music Festivals.

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