Features of violin
To learn Iranian violin, you need an ordinary violin instrument. As you know, the violin is a stringed and bowed instrument designed by the Europeans, however, many people consider this instrument to be a complement to the Robab instrument. The design of this instrument is relatively complex and consists of different parts. However, the most important of them are resonant boxes, bows, strings, handles, and so on. With a violin instrument, you can play a variety of songs, but in the classes held in our country, the focus is on two styles of Iranian violin and classical violin, which we will explain more about the characteristics of each in the following.
Music in Canberra
Canberra is home to important music venues and institutions, including the Llewellyn Hall, part of the Australian National University School of Music, and a number of music festivals including the Canberra International Music Festival, the Canberra Roots Festival, and the Canberra Music Festival. The National Folk Festival The local music scene is held at many bars and nightclubs for local performers, mainly in Dixon, Kingston and downtown. Famous Canberra singers include Falling Joyce, Alchemist, Frank Gamble, Safia, and more. The most famous music halls in Canberra are bars, clubs, social organizations, or businesses that hold music events and include: Albert Hall Hall, ANCA Gallery, Big Band Room, and ...