The online kamancheh training course is held privately with different teachers at Inavaz institute. The procedure of holding the classes in this institute is as the following:
• Classes will be held live through the platforms that can prepare video calls.
• The student is allowed to record the class due to permanent access to the course contents.
• The student can ask the teacher all his/her questions during the class.
• The time of the class is matching with the time that student wants and even it’s possible to have a changing in the schedule.
• A half-hour session is planned for this course every week.
The applicants for the online kamancheh training class can watch the video of the students playing and also the
introduction of the music teachers for this course on the website of Inavaz Institute.
Music in Brisbane
Brisbane is a city in Queensland, Australia, home to many of the region's most important music institutions and venues. In general, the music of this city can be examined in several sections: Brisbane Arts and Culture, which includes information on classical music and opera singers, jazz singers in Brisbane, and information on Brisbane performing arts venues and theaters. Music in the entertainment sector, which includes pop, rock and roll, heavy metal, and punk in Brisbane, and nightclubs in Brisbane and Fort Valley.