Online Persian Dotar Course in chicago

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Bahar Ferdoosi

Bahar Ferdoosi - Persian Dotar course

tuition: 400,000 toman
Azam Kargar Fallah

Azam Kargar Fallah - Persian Dotar course

tuition: 450,000 toman

Persian Dotar chicago


The best dotar training class

If you are interested in learning this good-sounding instrument, you have two options: either attend face-to-face classes or take online classes. Face-to-face classes are an older way of teaching. To attend these classes, you must first find a suitable educational institution in your area. This can limit you, especially if you live in a small town. The chosen class should also be close to where you live because it affects the cost and time of travel. In fact, this commute can be considered the main problem of attending classes in person. Attendance classes have very little flexibility. Class hours are limited and due to the conditions of their classes, the lessons can be forgotten. In addition, you may be deprived of education if you are unable to attend classes or change your place of residence for any reason. But there is a simple solution to this problem, which we will explain in more detail below.

Music in Chicago

Chicago, Illinois is the mainstay of music in the Midwestern United States, where distinctive forms of the blues style (responsible for creating rock and roll) and house music, a genre of electronic dance music, have developed. The "great migration" of poor black workers from the south to industrial cities brought traditional jazz and blues music to the city, resulting in the Chicago-style blues and Chicago-style Dixieland jazz. Prominent blues artists included Hollyn Walf, Jr. Wells, Maddie Waters, Sonny Boy Williams, and more. The greats of jazz include Net King King, Jane Ammons, Benny Goodman, and Bad Freeman. Chicago is also known for its soul music. In the early 1930s, religious music was introduced in Chicago due to the contributions of Thomas A. Dorsey and became popular in the Pilgrim Baptist Church. In the 1980s and 1990s, heavy rock, punk, and hip hop also became popular in Chicago. The Chicago Orchestras include the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Opera Lyric, and the Chicago Symphony. The Lollapalooza, Smoke August, Peachfork, North Coast Music Festival, Rebellion Festival, Chicago House Music Festival, Chicago Religious Music Festival, Chicago Blues Festival, etc. are some of the most important music festivals in this city.

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