Flutes have cylindrical holes. They are usually made of metal, often silver or nickel silver obviously there are also other materials such as gold and platinum used in their construction. Adding the keys into the flute (and changing them into the flute) allowed the player to create a wider range of notes and play more complex pieces much more simply compared to older simple flutes.
Music in Waterloo
Waterloo has also found its place in Canadian music. Maxwell Hall, Crystal Hall, Maureen Forrester, and Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Music Association are some of the most important music venues in the city. In addition, musicians born in or near Waterloo include Joseph W. Bowman, Carlo Boomer, Beverly Diamond, Paul Frey, Douglas Haas, Art Hallman, Herbert Arthur Jeffrey, Daniel Licht, and Mary Elizabeth. Morgan, AS Veget, Robert Whitmer and George Ziegler. A festival called Waterloo Music Festival is also held annually in this city which has many fans.
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