Online Persian Tang Course in trois-rivieres

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Mohammad Hassanzadeh

Mohammad Hassanzadeh - Persian Tang course

tuition: 400,000 toman

Persian Tang trois-rivieres


Structural features of the tongue drum

As mentioned above, the tongue drum was first made with the help of an almost hollow surface of a gas canister, but now its shape has changed and it has a structure similar to a hang drum. This instrument is a very young instrument that was first introduced to the world in 2007. The maker of the instrument was a woman who was interested in the hang drum but could not afford it due to financial difficulties, so she made an alternative. The current structure of the instrument is almost similar to the hang drum, except that it is much smaller in size. Also, unlike the hang drum, which is played by hand, this instrument is played with both the beat of the finger and the drum sticks. Unlike the hand-made hang drum, today's tongue drums are made with machines. This instrument has a lot of resonance and its notes vary from eight to ten depending on the skill of the musician. The tongue drum is tuned only once and will rarely need to be tuned again after that.

Learning music in Trois-Rivières

Although musical life in the city of Trois-Rivières was not very lively at the beginning of the 19th century and ended with the accidental passage of artists through the city, today the situation has changed completely. Like many other Canadian cities, the first bands to operate in the city were church bands, which later expanded to other styles of classical, pop, rap, hip hop, and more. Musicians such as Maurice De Celles, Pauline Julien, and Jacques Hétu have been introduced to the world from this city. There is also a very large and famous music hall called Cogeco Amphitheater, which hosts many celebrations and concerts every year. FestiVoix is a major music festival in the Mauritius area that takes place in early summer.

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