Online Persian Tang Course in atlanta

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Mohammad Hassanzadeh

Mohammad Hassanzadeh - Persian Tang course

tuition: 400,000 toman

Persian Tang atlanta


Structural features of the tongue drum

As mentioned above, the tongue drum was first made with the help of an almost hollow surface of a gas canister, but now its shape has changed and it has a structure similar to a hang drum. This instrument is a very young instrument that was first introduced to the world in 2007. The maker of the instrument was a woman who was interested in the hang drum but could not afford it due to financial difficulties, so she made an alternative. The current structure of the instrument is almost similar to the hang drum, except that it is much smaller in size. Also, unlike the hang drum, which is played by hand, this instrument is played with both the beat of the finger and the drum sticks. Unlike the hand-made hang drum, today's tongue drums are made with machines. This instrument has a lot of resonance and its notes vary from eight to ten depending on the skill of the musician. The tongue drum is tuned only once and will rarely need to be tuned again after that.

Music in Atlanta

Atlanta has a thriving music industry and is considered the capital of hip hop, including Crank, R&B and its neo-soul branch, evangelical music, indie rock, and so on. Classic, country, and blues styles also have a very good history in this city. From the 1920s to the 1950s, the city was the main center of country music. Atlanta musicians include Usher, Tony Braxton, Ludacris, Outcast, Ciara, Hind Arie, Janelle Mona, Lille Nass X, Jermaine Dupree, and more. Atlanta Chicago Niels Festival, SweetWater 420 Fest, Atlanta Jazz Festival, Candler Park Music Festival, and Imagine Music Festival Atlanta, Georgia are among the top ten music festivals in the city. The best live music venues in Atlanta are the Verati House GA Amphitheater, the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center, Chastain Park, Tabernacle, and more.

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