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Knowing the types of guitars and their styles
Guitar instrument is in the category of stringed instruments. We use pickup or finger to play it. There are many types of guitars, and some of these types have their own other sub-categories.
Since the past, the guitar instrument has gone through meandrous paths, and passing through these meandrous ways has caused this instrument to improve in terms of structure and playing techniques in step with the evolution of western music. Currently, many music styles around the world are played by different types of guitars, and definitely we can say that there is hardly a person who doesn’t get along with one of the types of guitars.
In this article, at first, a brief explanation about the history of the guitar instrument is given. Then the types of guitars and their styles are going to be introduced and examined.
The history of guitar
The history of the guitar goes back to about 4000 years ago. There are many claims and opinions about the origin and authenticity of this pleasant musical instrument. Some historians believe that the guitar was born in Egypt, while others believe that the guitar was taken from the Greco-Assyrian sitar, which was brought to Spain by the Romans.
On the other hand, some historians consider the origin of the guitar to be Iranian and deduce this from the presence of the suffix (tar) in the guitar is retrieved from the name of the tar instrument, and there is no doubt about the Iranian origin of the tar instrument, so the guitar instrument can also be one of the members of the Iranian music family.
Guitar training professionally
If you are interested in any of these groups, you should look for a suitable guitar class. As you can guess, teaching classical guitar is very different from teaching electric one, and for each, you have to take different classes. In music schools in Iran, most guitar lessons are related to acoustic guitars. However, there are various types of electric guitar lessons. There are two options for taking guitar lessons: face-to-face classes and online classes. These classes have many similarities and differences. In the first place, the tutorials and textbooks are the same in both classes, and you can take beginner to advanced guitar lessons in both and become a very professional guitarist. But the conditions for attending classes are different. In face-to-face classes, you have to go to the class and spend time and money on it. While in online classes you can learn from home and interact with your teacher. No need to relocate gives you the chance to receive your training at any time. In addition, with the help of online classes, you are no longer limited to where you live to choose a class, especially for people who live in small towns and do not have proper music schools in their city or people who cannot find the right school or teacher.
Guitar training in Inavaz
Our online guitar class in Inavaz is one of the best online training classes for this instrument in the country, which you can participate in under the supervision of the best teachers at a very reasonable price. The variety of guitar teaching styles in our school is very large and includes pop guitar teaching, flamenco guitar teaching, classical guitar, electric guitar, etc. at all levels from beginner to advanced. In addition, these classes are held in two groups of children and adults. Inavaz guitar classes are held privately and live, and you can interact with your teacher and he or she will supervise your playing. Also, at the end of each session, a recorded video of the class will be provided to you, which you can practice until the next session. You also have the chance to choose the teacher you want on the site and find out the tariffs for their classes. In addition, a free counseling session is held in the first session where you can get acquainted with the teacher's teaching style.

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Buying the right guitar
To attend a guitar class, you must first choose the style which you like. Choosing a style has a big impact on the type of instrument you want to buy. Each guitar has its own price range and brand. In the first session of the Inavaz training class, according to the chosen style, you will be given the necessary advice on buying the right guitar.
The Persian guitar
The guitar is a stringed instrument and its class is one of the most popular music classes in the world. This instrument is very old and as western music changed, it had changed too. The guitar is one of the most popular instruments for use and is taught in a variety of styles. The fans of this instrument are mostly young people.
Persian guitar Lesson
Guitar classes have long been considered by people. To have the best guitar training, you must be careful in choosing the teacher. A good guitar teacher is one who, in addition to his academic knowledge of music, has a high level of experience in playing and teaching. In Inavaz, guitar lessons are held in different styles. If you are interested in playing the guitar, do not waste your time, and be sure to register for our classes.
Online guitar Lesson
Online classes are especially popular around the world these days. In Inavaz, persian guitar training is held step by step, online and privately so that both beginner and professional students can use it. Online guitar training has many advantages. You can attend our beginner to advanced classes continuously and enjoy the training of our best teachers. The styles of teaching we have in Inavaz are classical guitar, pop guitar, and flamenco guitar. By participating in our guitar class, you can choose your own time.
Online guitar class prices
The cost of online persian guitar classes is determined by the Ministry of Guidance in different cities. However online guitar class tuition is lower than face-to-face ones, and you can save money and time.
Buying guitar
There are many things to consider when choosing the right guitar. If you don't have enough information about this process, you can use our free consultation session, so that our teacher can guide you. When buying a guitar, the general things you should pay attention to are the material of the wood and the quality of the strings.
The types of guitars and their styles
Guitars are generally divided into 3 types of acoustic, electric and bass guitars. Although many people consider the bass guitar to be a part of the electric guitars family and do not consider it as a separate category of guitars. But in fact, there are obvious differences between these two types of guitars (electric and bass), which is why we should consider them as separate categories. Of course, each of these types of guitars also have other types and models that are used in different styles of music according to their types and models.
In the following, each of the types of guitars are going to be examined.

  • Acoustic guitar
One of the types of guitars is the acoustic guitar. The sound of the strings of this type of guitar is amplified by their body. In other words, the sound of the acoustic guitar strings comes out of the hollow wooden body of the instrument. Acoustic guitars have 6 strings. The thickness of these strings is different from each other and usually from the soprano string to the bass one, they have a thickness between 13 and 56 thousandths of an inch. The presence of metal strings and the wood of an acoustic guitar create a special belly sound in these types of guitars.
The body of acoustic guitar consists of connecting two wooden plates in front and at back, along with two side curved wooden parts. Usually, the front panel of the acoustic guitar has a relatively large hole or holes, which give special acoustic aspects to the guitar according to the shape of these holes or their location.
Acoustic guitar has two types, which are:
  • Nylon string guitars (classical guitar)
One of the types of acoustic guitars are nylon string guitars. These guitars have 3 metal strings and 3 nylon strings. This type of acoustic guitar is also known as classical guitar. Usually, the sound of classical guitars is warmer and of course weaker than metal string guitars, and this difference has caused this type of guitars to be used more in playing flamenco, pop and classical styles.
Along with the name of the classical guitar, the names of the famous English composers Peter Maxwell Davis and David Bedford are heard. These famous English composers composed many pieces for the guitar and they’ve played an important role in introducing the classical guitar to England.
  • Acoustic metal string guitars
Another type of acoustic guitars are metal string guitars, where all 6 strings are metal, and because of this, the strings of these types of guitars vibration last longer. This has made it easier to play styles such as rock, country, and blues with this type of guitar. Musicians can follow country, blues, rock and folk styles in a completely specialized way by using acoustic guitar. Of course this wrong imagination about not existing the possibility to play the classic or pop pieces shouldn’t be made.
 In the definition of each type of metal wire and nylon wire acoustic guitars, some of their differences were stated, but these two types of guitars have other differences as well, which are:
  1. Acoustic metal string guitars are different from classical guitars in body design and shape. Classical guitars are smaller than acoustic metal string guitars, and this is why classical guitars are usually a little more comfortable to play sitting down than acoustic metal string guitars.
  2. Another difference between acoustic metal string guitars and classical guitars is the fret board of these two instruments. Classical guitars have wider frets than acoustic metal string guitars.
  3. Another difference between acoustic metal string guitars and classical guitars is the price of this type of guitars. Classical guitars are usually cheaper, and because of this, beginners are usually more willing to buy this type of guitar at first.
Electric guitar
Another type of guitars are electric guitars. This type of guitars, unlike other types of this instrument, do not have a sound of their own, and unlike other types of guitars, they have a solid frame. In order to create sound in these types of guitars, you must connect the guitar to devices called amplifiers and effects. These devices work with electricity, so these types of guitars are also called electric guitars. But in fact, the guitar itself doesn’t need electricity.
The body of electric guitars is made of wood and has 6 metal strings. Also there are some electric guitar models that have 7 strings. They use electric guitars to play rock and metal styles.
The highlight is that in order to learn electric guitar, musicians don’t need to learn other styles of guitar first and then start to learn electric guitar. Because the electric guitar is a completely independent type of instrument and doesn’t require any qualifications. Students can start to learn this instrument from the beginning without passing any prerequisites.
The sound production process in the electric guitar is like that the sound is transferred to a device called an effect through the microphones arranged into the electric guitars (pickup) and after processing it, it is played through the amplifier and reaches to listeners’ ears.
Of course, electric guitars are also divided into two other types, which are:
  • Solid electric guitars
The sound of this type of electric guitar is produced by pickups. They usually use this type of solid electric guitars in playing rock and metal styles.
  • Hollow body electric guitars
Hollow electric guitars are another type of electric guitars, and the sound of these types of guitars is also created by pickups, and they are usually used in jazz and blues music styles.
Electric guitars also have many models, including Stratocaster guitar, Gibson SG guitar, Telecaster guitar, semi-acoustic guitar, Gibson Flying V guitar, Fender Jazz Master guitar, Superstart guitar, Les Paul guitar and PRS guitar.
  •  Bass guitar
Another type of guitar is the bass guitar. Bass guitars are usually used to produce sounds with low frequencies and tones. This type of guitar can be considered as a member of the electric guitar family, although the difference is that bass guitars have a larger body.
In bass guitars, also like electric guitars, use different pickups. These pickups are responsible for absorbing the vibration of the strings and converting them into an electrical signal. The result is that the electric signals are transferred to the amplifiers by the output of the bass guitar and finally the sound is made.
Bass guitars normally have 4 strings. Although, some other models of these types of guitars are made with 5 strings or 6 strings and they are released and available in market.
Also, these types of guitars are one octave lower than electric guitars in terms of tone and are tuned in the bass range. Bass guitars have played a big role in pop and rock music. They are also used singularly in flamenco, Latin, jazz and funk music.
Last words
In this article with the title of knowing the types of guitars and their styles, it was explained that there are 3 types of guitars: acoustic, electric and bass. It was also said that each of these types of guitars have other types that are used in different musical styles according to their type and use.
The types of guitars are completely independent from each other and to learn any of the types, there is no need to pass the prerequisites and learn other types of guitars. Therefore, those who are interested in learning guitar, according to their favorite musical style, they can provide one type of all these types of guitars then start their training.

For the beginning of the classes, you can use Yamaha C40 or C70 guitars.

At the beginning of guitar training, you can start with 30 minutes practice a day and after that increase your exercises regularly step by step, of course, make sure that the exercises are done continuously.

If the student is a child, after the age of 8, he/she can choose the guitar instrument for training, of course, we suggest that he/she starts learning music before the age of 8 then chooses the guitar as a particular instrument for him/her.
With adults, there is no age limit for learning the guitar, and you can enjoy learning this instrument at any age.

This matter is completely related to your daily and continuous practice, how much you do your exercises correctly and carefully and how much you cooperate with the teacher in the progress of the lessons. Generally, if you have enough and regular exercises, after 3 and a half months you can play short and simple pieces after that, with more exercises, you will learn new techniques and longer pieces.

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