Flute, the oldest human musical instrument
If you are interested in wind instruments, one of the most exciting ones in this group is the flute. This instrument even dates back to 50,000 years ago. The pleasing sound of the flute has made it used in many pieces. As an international instrument, the flute has many fans both in Iran and around the world. If you are a fan of it too, stay tuned.
Music in Dortmund
The city of Dortmund also has a very long history in terms of music. The Dortmund Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is a German-based symphony orchestra performing at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. Founded in 1887, the orchestra was formed by leaders such as Wilhelm Shuster, Mark Janowski, Moshe Atzmon, and Jacques van Stein. In addition, there are many bands and singers in the city, including Elga Andersen, Ralf Bendix, Theo Bleckmann, Phillip Boa, and Phillip Boa, and the Voodooclub.